Curb, Spike Strips Corral Fleeing Stolen Car and Driver
A sharp-eyed Kennewick officer saw a vehicle very early Tuesday morning that matched the description of one reported stolen a few weeks ago, and the chase was on.
Around 1:20AM the 1998 Honda was spotted in the parking lot near North Columbia Center Boulevard and Tapteal Loop. The car left the lot, a couple of minutes later the officer tried to pull them over.
The car fled north on CC Boulevard, then ended up on Columbia Park Trail, with officers in tow. The vehicle hit the roundabout in Columbia Park, flattening two tires. As it kept speeding into Kennewick and tried to head up Fruitland, spike strips were laid down to finish it off.
The driver, 33-year-old Jesse Croxton, fled on foot. He only got about 100-150 yard before officers brought him down like a running back. A man and woman were in the vehicle, the other male, 29-year-old Dru Bromley-Yule, was arrested on an outstanding warrant. Despite damage to the tires, no damage to rest of vehicle.
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