Early, Yes-But Mariners on Pace to Set Dubious MLB Record
The season for Seattle is only 13 games old, currently, the M's are 5-8, one game ahead of the cellar-dwelling Houston Astros in the AL West (M's in 4th place). But their performance at the plate is beginning to draw comparisons to a dubious MLB record.
Mariners on pace to break futility record
Two years ago, the Mariners went on a bit of a tear and broke their decades-old playoff drought. They missed the post-season in 2023, but 2024 was supposed to be better.
Only 13 of 162 games are completed, but the rate at which the Mariners are striking out at the plate has begun to alarm Mariner fans.
According to KIRO sports, the M's have K'd 138 times. They did get a much-needed win over the Toronto Blue Jays, but in doing so still struck out 15 times in the 10-inning game.
Minnesota holds the record for most average strikeouts per game
The Mariners are striking out an average of 10.62 times per game, worst in the MLB. The Dodgers are actually striking out more, but they have played two more games and the Mariner's rate is actually the worst.
The Twins set the MLB record with an average of 10.21 times per game in a 162-game season in 2023. If you project the current Mariner averages, they would strike out just over 1,719 times over the course of the season. Currently, the M's are exceeding the Twin's pace with that 10.62.
Yes, it is early. But the supposedly better Mariner offense is starting to raise some eyebrows, and M's fans easily pick up on negative trends given the history of the franchise. Part of the reason for the alarm is the Mariners jettisoned three players who K'd a lot in 2023 and replaced them with much more dependable bats.
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