Experts: Expect Smokey Summers for Decades
With the news that we're gonna see more smoke in Washington this week, people are hoping it's over soon.
Unfortunately, you're going to have to get used to it.
Experts say that we will see decades of summers filled with smoke like 2018. They say it could get even worse. Why though?
The Department of Ecology has been looking into this and has a few ideas.
They predict hotter summers and drier trees and grass, meaning fires could start easily and spread wildly. But what's new? Well, up in British Columbia, THREE MILLION ACRES have burned up this summer. That pushes the smoke our way, only if there's wind.
If we have a wet winter with rain and snow the risk of fires goes down.
The Washington State Department of Ecology says they are extra worried about southeastern Washington and will prioritize this area to manage the forests.