GOP Pushes For Emergency 30-Day COVID Only Legislative Session
When the Washington State Legislature convenes Monday January 11, for the 2021 session, it will be via Zoom or whatever remote system they're going to use. And, for the first time in history, citizens will not be allowed to view any of the processes.
It's for those reasons, and a number of controvesial Inslee proposals, that Senator Doug Ericksen (R-Ferndale) is introducing a resolution that would make this session a 30-day Emergency only one. SCR8400 (Senate Concurrent Resolution) would:
"... limit the Legislature to measures dealing with the COVID crisis and to the passage of budgets, the Legislature’s central duty. The measure would prevent consideration of an income tax, low-carbon fuel standards, a rewrite of the Growth Management Act and other proposals Democratic leaders hope to pass in a year when the public is required to stay away."
According to Ericksen:
“Democrats are using the cloak of COVID to block the public from participating in the legislative session while they try to advance the most radical agenda in state history. “We need to play fair with the people of Washington. If we’re going to restrain the public, the Legislature needs to restrain itself.
Ericksen says the legislature needs to focus on the needs of families and businesses that are hurting and struggling due to COVID and Gov. Inslee's lockdowns and restrictions.
He ended his release with this parting shot:
"My Democratic colleagues are fond of saying no crisis should go to waste. But taking advantage of this situation to pass a radical agenda that wouldn’t stand a chance in ordinary times is just plain wrong."
These are some of the strongest words we've heard from a GOP legislator in some time, especially from the west side. His Resolution will be heard and debated starging Monday, would require 2/3 majority in Hous and Senate to pass.