If You See Something – Say Something Campaign Starts In Richland
Richland Police Department are starting a new campaign called "If You See Something, Say Something".
If you are like me and don't know when you should call 911 or the police, The Richland Police Department have started a new campaign called "If You See Something,Say Something". RPD posted on their Facebook page about the new campaign.
Not sure if what you are seeing if worth the call? It is! Often times residents ask us when it is appropriate to call law enforcement. "If you see something, say something" is a campaign to partner with our community to report suspicious activity. Nobody knows your neighborhood or business area better than you. Calling in something that seems "off" could stop graffiti, vehicle prowls or other property crimes.
If it looks suspicious, it probably is. It's a way for citizens to help police their own neighborhoods. Stay vigilant and keep your eyes open! You can check out more details here
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