Inslee: “99% of Citizens in My State Reject Trump’s Crusade on Science”
Gov. Inslee was featured in the June 10th edition of Esquire Magazine (which by the way has a circulation of maybe one million nationally). It publishes 8 issues a year.
The article was titled "Jay Inslee: "99% of the Citizens in My State Reject Trump's Crusade on Science."
Not exactly sure where he got that polling data from, but the story goes on to say in the sub headline: " The Washington governor discusses the frustrations and the triumphs of leading a state during the pandemic."
He took up most of the article bashing the President as we've often heard during his press conferences, claiming "1 in 3000 people" have joined what he describes as Trump's crusade on science, the other 99,8 percent want to save their families from "dying from COVID-19."
But it's the 99 percent comment that, like his "that's news to me" remark about the autonomous zone, has tongues wagging with criticism for him.
To see the article for yourself, click on the button below.