Kennewick Schools Release Hybrid Class Protocols for Return
Monday Sept. 28 KSD released their COVID protocols for the Hybrid In Class learning plan for students to return, starting Oct. 12.
Like most Districts, KSD will be using the A-B method, students in two groups. Each will go twice a week, with Wednesdays home for on line learning.
Here's some of the topics that are covered in the information:
Masks and Face Coverings
Handwashing and Hygiene
Physical Distancing
School Cleaning, Sanitizing and Ventilation
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and Cleaning Supplies
One of the hot button topics will likely be masks. Here's specifically what is listed by KSD for that portion:
"Staff and students must continue practicing physical distancing while wearing face coverings.
Requests to be exempt from the face covering requirement must:
- Include specific diagnosis by a licensed medical or behavioral health provider to justify exclusion
- Recommend alternative droplet retention method, or if none, recommend exclusion from school
- Be approved by Health Officer or their designee
If you believe your child qualifies for an exemption or if you have a question about allowable face coverings, please contact your school/building COVID-19 site coordinator."
Kids and parents will be happy about this bit of information:
"Recess and Meal Time
Students are not required to use masks or face coverings when they are outside at recess or sitting to eat meals, as long as they maintain the 6-foot distance requirement. Schools will develop and implement distancing protocols for meal times and recess."
To find out more about KSD protocols, click on the button below. Parents in other districts are strongly encouraged to visit their respective school websites to obtain their information.

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