Meet World Famous Astronaut at CBC Planetarium
World Famous American astronaut Story Musgrave makes an appearance at Columbia Basin College Saturday September 3rd with three separate events!
We interviewed CBC's Planetarium Outreach Specialist Erin Steinert about the event and here's the scoop...
- Musgrave has lived a ‘storied’ life to say the least. He has flown on all five space shuttles and was the first astronaut to perform a shuttle spacewalk. Story was also the lead spacewalker on the Hubble Telescope repair mission.
- Three events will be held with Story on September 3rd:
10 a.m. – Presentation: “Farm Kid to Rocketman: Story Musgrave”. CBC Theatre,free admission.
12:30 p.m., doors open 11:30 a.m., first come, first served. Ask an Astronaut! A special presentation for children and parents, “Curiosity: It’s not just a Space Rover!”
CBC Planetarium, free admission.
3 p.m. – A View from Space with Story Musgrave. Enjoy delectable appetizers while listening to this remarkable man. The reception is $25 per person. Please RSVP to Alissa Watkins at awatkins@columbiabasin.edu. Location is downstairs in the HUB.
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