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Meth Related Deaths in Oregon up 32% – Heroin, Cocaine Deaths Drop

Meth deats rise in Oregon in 2013
(Photo by Phil Walter/Getty Images)

While the overall number of people who died due to drugs was almost unchanged, meth related deaths in 2013 jumped.

The Oregon State Patrol Thursday released a report from the Oregon State Medical Examiner showing 222 people died in 2013 from all drug related causes, compared with 223 in 2012.

While these  numbers are down 7% from 2011,  the report shows a marked increase in the number of people who died last year from using methamphetamine.  123 people died, compared with 93 in 2012.   The counties with the MOST meth related deaths  were Multhomah,  with a 62% increase, and Umatilla also made the list along with Polk County with 5 combined  meth related deaths, up from -0- the year before.

Heroin deaths dropped statewide some 25%, and cocaine deaths dropped 35% to their lowest levels since 2000.

The most abused prescription medication was Oxycodone, with 60 deaths. However overall deaths from prescription medications were down statewide  from 170 in 2012 to 150 in 2013.


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