Need to Know: Who’s On Inslee’s ‘Safe Start’ Economic Team?
As part of his Phase One recovery plan, Gov. Inslee has three Safe Start Advisory Groups.
One of them is called the Safe Work and Economic Recovery Community Leaders Group. The group includes 9 individuals whom will provide 'input' as to how the economy should open. Aside from Mark Riker of the Washington State Building and Construction Trades Council, most of the people are labor leaders, an inventor from Kennewick who runs a business called Carbitex (carbon fiber work), and several left-leaning groups or individuals who favor economic policies of redistribution of wealth and forced "trickle down" policies. There are numerous industries NOT represented here.
Four of them, almost half, have strong labor ties or are directly involved in labor councils.
The people on the list are as follows:
- Jessyn Farrell, senior vice president, Civic Ventures, Seattle (community member lead)
- Jesus Alvarez, president, Southeast Central Labor Council; Teamsters Local 839, Kennewick
- Larry Brown, president, Washington State Labor Council, AFL-CIO, Seattle
- David Giuliani, CEO Washington Business Alliance; Sonicare inventor, Friday Harbor
- Latisha Hill, vice president for community and economic vitality, Avista, Spokane
- Junus Khan, founder, Carbitex, Kennewick
- Tina Morrison, secretary-treasurer, Spokane Regional Labor Council; American Federation of Musicians, Spokane
- Ryan Pennington, senior director of communications and corporate affairs, Chateau Ste. Michelle, Woodinville
- Mark Riker, president, Washington State Building and Construction Trades Council, Olympia
Jessyn Farrell is part of a group that prides itself on being "political troublemakers." The Civic Ventures group believes in creating "disruptive" change that benefits people they think have not been properly 'included' in economic and political policies. The group includes venture capitalist Nick Hanauer, who formerly headed up the WAGR (Washington Alliance for Gun Responsibility) who tried to push the plan of having Sheriff's conduct annual gun storage inspections in people's private homes.
David Giuliani is part of the Washington Business Alliance, who are actually the PLAN for Washington, a leftist leaning redistribution organization that pushes for public investments to be utilized along ethnic, racial and 'diversity' lines.
Noticeably absent from this Advisory Group are anyone from the Washington Association of Business, The Building Industry Association of Washington, and the Washington State Chamber of Commerce.
These are groups that one would think would be included in such an Advisory Group. Most of the 9 people on the Advisory Board have some sort of tie to Inslee, or economic ideas/opinions that reflect most of his business values. Also absent are any leaders who have widespread influence or oversee industries such as salons-cosmotology, commercial retail, food service-restaurants, fitness-gyms-outdoors, and others.
To see Inslee's Safe Start Advisory groups for yourself, click on the button below.

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