New 2nd Harvest Food Bank Mushrooms In Growth
Miraculous progress is being made on what will be the largest food bank in Southeastern Washington.
2nd Harvest, the largest supplier of food to needy citizens in Southeastern and most of Eastern Washington, is well on track towards opening their new 14,000 plus square food facility off Foster Wells Road in Pasco. Especially after this last weekend, when the external structure and most of the roof were put up in only two days!
Construction experts say most such buildings would take several weeks to get that far, but with the combined volunteer efforts of numerous companies, the facility is going up at record pace. Included was help from Lampson International of Kennewick, who donated services of a large crane to help lift the steel into place. Friday morning, four trucks of steel arrived from Utah, by early Monday, you could clearly see the outline of the building.
Newstalk 870 visited the site Monday, and you can see the progress in our slide show. The bank, which will feature cold and perishable food storage, will be able to serve thousands more citizens when it opens, projected in early September.