New Homeland Security Drones Can Target Citizens With Guns & Track Cellphone Signal
According to the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) and CNET, new documents have been obtained showing the drone requirements for Homeland Security's new Predator B fleet.
CNET, often referred to as CNET-TV, offers digital product reviews and often challenges what it sees as invasions of digital privacy. CNET obtained an original copy of the drone specifications. According to CNET and Breitbart:
Homeland Security design requirements specify that its Predator B drones 'shall be capable of identifying a standing human being at night as likely armed or not' and must be equipped with 'interception' systems capable of reading cell phone signals.
Officials at the Second Amendment Foundation and the Brookings Institute claim such use of drones could seriously threaten 2nd and 4th Amendment Rights. Other critics fear such drones could be armed in the future. The military version of the Predator B drone can carry a 100-pound Hellfire missile. Homeland Security says its 10 drones are unarmed.
Last month, NBC News uncovered a 16-page document from the Justice Department saying it considered drone strikes against American citizens in the U.S. suspected of engaging in terrorism legal. According to the latest information obtained via numerous sources -- including syndicated talk show host Glenn Beck -- the feds would consider such a strike. CNN confirmed U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder has not ruled out such an action.
A drone has already been used in conjunction with an arrest case in Montana. A rancher accused of refusing to return six cows that wandered onto his land was tracked and apprehended, in part, because of drone technology.