Oregon Councilman Shockingly Praises Communism, Blasts Freedom in Public Hearing [VIDEO]
It makes you wonder how Corvallis, OR elected this guy to the City Council.
In the latest of their shocking expose's of the lunacy of progressive and liberal behavior, the folks at Laughing At Liberals on YouTube captured Corvallis City Councilman Mike Beilstein at a recent hearing as he defended Karl Marx, saying he was a great "humanitarian," claimed non-communists shouldn't be allowed to live in Corvallis, and praised controversial Cuban leader Che Guervara.
Now, we recognize that everyone has a right to their political opinion. It's just that most civic, state, regional and national leaders are usually expected to adhere to the beliefs and standards we've established here in the U.S. Just sayin!
The hearing just happened to be a 2 hour public forum to gather testimony about a proposed gun ban within Corvallis city limits. Would you want such a civic leader deciding if YOU can keep your guns inside the city? (Video courtesy of Laughing at Liberals on YouTube.)