Pasco Releases Details of Emergency Declaration
Wednesday afternoon, the City of Pasco released specific details about what their Emergency Declaration means.
Their statement included this explanation:
"What an emergency declaration mainly does is allow the City to ask for outside assistance, if needed, for financial reimbursement or other needs from state and federal agencies, and allow the City to fast-track procurement for services and supplies related to the current situation. Actions taken by the Mayor under the declaration must be ratified by the full Council. "
ALSO the following temporary changes will take place in the Municipal court:
"The court will reschedule all civil and criminal, out of custody hearings, including jury trials
Notice will be mailed to individuals effected by these changes
Individuals with a contested hearing or mitigation hearing that do not want to appear at a later hearing can request a decision on written documents. (The form is found on our website or you may contact the clerk if you have questions)"
City Hall does remain open, for now, but some new restrictions and temporary changes have been made to city availability and city programs, including closings to:
"YMCA Programs at the MLK Center
All Park restrooms due to vandalism and theft
Recreation Services will not be taking park, shelter and recreation facility rentals until May (subject to change). Existing rentals on the books between now and the end of April will be refunded"
For more information, visit the city of Pasco website by clicking on the button below.

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