Police Seeking Woman for Throwing Billiard Balls to the Face
Rack 'em.
Lag for break or I'll break your face?
A Pendleton bar brawl broke out between 4-5 people eventually sending one man to the hospital with an injury to his face, possibly from a pool ball. Or a fist. The victim is not exactly sure. Billiard ball sounds better, so we will go with that as no one seems particularly interested in speaking with the police.
What can be pieced together is around closing time Monday at the Pendleton bar Mosa, a call came to the police about a fight breaking out between a white man and a Native American woman, and their companions, but most of those involved were long gone by the time law enforcement showed up.
A kitchen employee said he heard everything "blow up" and came out to witness some of the action including hurled pool balls, bleeding cheeks and confusion whether the victim's blood came from the billiard ball or a fist as the injured fella gave himself a 6-out-of-10 on the "how wasted am I?" scale. Police surmised he was much toastier than that.
"Police weren't sure what happened, but they know who did it" (?!?)
This place has been the site of so many sketchy incidents, where patrons and staff can both shoulder the blame from time-to-time when incidents flare up, the police may try and lobby for the City Council to put the kibosh on the establishment's liquor license when it's up for renewal. However, the police cannot just seize a bar's liquor license.
Those licenses fall under the jurisdiction of the Oregon Liquor Control Commission. Pendleton police can only recommend the city council endorse or not endorse a business for liquor sales, and the council can agree or not.
But the final decision to renew a liquor license rests with the state commission.