Horn Rapids Park (Benton County)
Horn Rapids Park (Benton County)

The formal announcement was made at the beginning of June, but many campers and recreationists are just now finding out.

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Due to what  Benton County says is abuse and vandalism, Horn Rapid Park is closed for camping.

According to a statement from the County:

"The Horn Rapids Park campground is closed for the remainder of the 2024 season effective June 17.

This closure applies to individual and drop-in camping.  Groups with reservations are not affected.  Groups wishing to use the campground must rent the entire space for $550 per night, scheduled in advance, pre-paid with check.

 The closure is due to the increased demands put upon the park owing to vandalism, transience, and non-payment of fees.  This behavior has increased precipitously in recent years and has overwhelmed our staff’s abilities to manage the system and provide a safe and pleasant venue for recreational campers.  We are working on some possible remedies and hope to fully re-open the park for the 2025 season."

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Horn Rapids Park is located just west of the intersection between SR 240 and SR 225 near the Yakima River. It is one of the newest parks in the Benton County system and has become a very popular camping area.


Horn Rapids Park map
Horn Rapids Park map

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Gallery Credit: Andrew Lisa




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