Protestors End Up in Traffic in Kennewick — Wave ‘Variety’ of Signs
Saturday a group of protesters lined Clearwater Ave. in front of Winco Foods, many carrying Black Lives Matter signs. Many of the signs contained variations of the BLM message. Others read "no justice not peace," "silence is compliance," and "ACAB" which is an abbreviation for "All Cops are Bastards/"
Numerous signs reading "defund the police"" and "all lives can't matter black lives matter" were displayed along the protest route.
The crowd looked be somewhere between 6-800 persons, perhaps more. The crowd was at times loud, occasional chants broke out , then around 1PM they lined up in the middle of the street.
Lined up 2-3 deep on the centerline, they slowed traffic, with cars at time having to slow to avoid hitting them. The crowd dispersed some time later, although at 6PM there was a small group of 5-6 people still holding a sign.
There was at least one report from a motorist who's windshield was hit several times by a protester holding a sign containing profanity towards President Trump. Other drivers said they were "flipped off" when they did not show enthusiasm for the protestors. No incidents or issues were reported that required any actions by police.

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