Re-Open School Rally Coming Wednesday to Kennewick
The strongly worded Facebook invite reads in part as follows:
"...As we reach the 1 year mark, these children have been stuck behind CLOSED DOORS for too long. The private schools in our community have successfully re-opened. The school board conducted a private study which said KSD IS PREPARED to Re-Open for secondary education. The School Board has the AUTHORITY to re-open our schools. They will be meeting on Wednesday night. The Unions are holding our children HOSTAGE."
This coming Wednesday, January13, a rally is planned in Kennewick at the KSD Admin building on 4th Ave. just east of Lampson Stadium. It is planned from 9-11AM. The address is 1000 west 4th Ave.
The event is titled "OPEN THE DOORS KSD!" Students, parents and citizens are encouraged to bring their signs, wear their masks, and peacefully join to demand the Kennewick School DIstrict re open classes.
The issue has become a hot bed in Kennewick, especially after the School Board in late Oct. voted against the recommendations of the Benton Franklin Health District to allow hybrid learning for middle and high school students to start November 2. The board voted 3-2 against it. Since then, a recall effort against three of the board members has stalled due to lack of funding for the legal effort. Recall efforts in WA state for public officials are not an easy undertaking, and are usually expensive.
Last fall, after shooting down hybrid in person education, the board moved the possible return date to February 2, which is growing closer rapidly.
To see the invite page for yourself, click on the button below.

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