Search Called Off for Missing Palouse Falls Swimmer, Believed Drowned
Franklin County Sheriff's reported Monday the search for a reported victim in the water just below Palouse Falls has been called off due to rough water that kept divers from being able to search.
Around 5:30pm Friday, they got a call from two men in their 20's who said their third friend had gone under the water and not resurfaced. The men had decided to swim in the often treacherous waters below the falls, which are about 10 miles East of Kahlotus.
Two of the three men were sucked under by strong currents, one was able to resurface and he and the other swam to shore. They called 911. However, after searching the entire area below the falls and downstream, Sheriff's said no person or body was found. For now, the search has been called off. While they were able to scour the area and venture a few feet off shore, the rough fast moving water made it too dangerous for divers to search.
The missing man is said to be a 23-year-old from Spokane. It's a well known fact that authorities advise people NOT to swim in the waters below the falls because even under normal summer conditions, there are lots of currents and undertows which can overpower even the best of swimmers.
It is believed the mission will now become a body recovery, if one is able to be located downstream.
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