Soon-To-Be Ex Wife Runs over Husband With Her Truck in Kennewick
Any chance of reconciliation just went out the window, or under the wheels.
A Kennewick woman is in the Benton County Jail facing, at the least, assault charges after she allegedly ran over her soon-to-be ex hubby with her truck.
Wednesday night, Kennewick police say 27-year-old Nikki Hinkle went to pick up personal items at her former residence, in the 2300 block of West 8th Place. Her husband, 35-year-old Mark, still lives there. Police say the two are going through a divorce.
Police reports indicate he was standing next to her truck, then moved out into the street as she began to back up. They didn't say why he was in the street, but Nikki Hinkle slammed into her husband. She not only knocked him over, but ran over his leg. She hit him with enough force it actually spun him around.
He was treated at Trios Emergency Room (Formerly KGH) for bumps, bruises and road rash, but no broken bones in the leg. Nikki Hinkle drove for several blocks but finally pulled over when a neighbor who saw the accident followed her and chased her down.
She is facing charges of Second Degree Assault, and Domestic Violence with Aggravated Enhancement (stemming from using her truck as a weapon).