Landlords in Yakima Your Chance For Relief Will Soon ArriveLandlords in Yakima Your Chance For Relief Will Soon ArriveMany landlords have already lost properties while others are close to financial problems. Lance TormeyLance Tormey
Man Sprays Landlord, Throws Drink on Police, Meets K-9Man Sprays Landlord, Throws Drink on Police, Meets K-9Tenant was approached by landlord about not mowing and weeding his property, so he sprayed the owner with an aerosol can. It got weirder from there.John McKayJohn McKay
Proposed Bill Would Prevent Pot Use if Banned by Hotels, Motels, LeasesProposed Bill Would Prevent Pot Use if Banned by Hotels, Motels, LeasesProposed bill would allow hotel-motel operators and possibly landlords to specify no pot use on their property. It also spells out penalties for such violations.John McKayJohn McKay