The Most Popular Fruits in WA State? Surprising Results
According to an extensive search using Google trends and search data, there are a few surprises when it comes to the favorite fruits in WA State.
Study shows which fruits the state, and nation, are craving for
The website Total Shape provides a wide variety of ideas and plans for eating, working out, weight loss, and more. They recently conducted a study to find out the most popular fruits across America and in each state.
Not surprisingly, apples pegged the top of the list, not just in WA, but nationally. However, in WA state, this study showed some interesting choices for second, third, and beyond. The study included some items that are neither fruit nor vegetable.
The study shows after apples, the second most popular fruit in WA state is the mango. This trend was also seen in dozens of other states as well. Coming third is one of the items that are neither fruit nor vegetable, mushrooms. Following the mushrooms were bananas and oranges.

Some other items that jumped out from the study, in Mississippi, the second-most popular 'fruit' was peppers, Colorado and Kentucky also had mushrooms on their top two list after apples. Mushrooms, by the way, are technically considered to be a fungus.
The study examined Google search and trend data and a number of other search and information.
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