These Are The Most Needed School Supplies By Teachers
Our annual back to school school supplies drive is underway but you might be unaware that back to school shopping costs are up from last year.
We've compiled a list of the most needed and requested school supplies according to teachers.
Here are the cost differences for this year compared to this year.
Clothes ($189 vs. $153)
Electronics ($186 vs. $121)
Shoes ($95 vs. $71)
Backpacks ($45 vs. $33)
Art supplies ($24 vs. $17)
Pencils ($15 vs. $13)
Folders ($15 vs. $12)
As you are participating in school supplies drives, here are the most common asked for items among teachers that are needed.
Crayons for kindergarten, first, second and third grade
Loose-leaf paper for fourth, seventh and eighth grade
Colored pencils for fifth and sixth grade
Pens for all high school (ninth through twelfth grade)
School is around the corner so if you are school shopping, don't forget to drop off some supplies for charity. You can get more details on the increase in school sup-plies in this article