WEA (WA Education Assoc.) Raises BLM Flag Over Headquarters
According to the WEA blog, the flag was raised to mark Martin Luther King Day, and to celebrate upcoming Black History Month.
In an entry in the WEA Blog online, dated January 19th, a video was posted about the raising of the flag at the WEA State Headquarters in Federal Way. Accompanying the video was the following text:
"This past Martin Luther King Jr. Day, WEA raised the Black Lives Matter Flag in front of the WEA building in Federal Way. Displaying the BLM flag is part of a Black Lives Matter resolution passed by the WEA Board last November. Black History month starts in February, the first week of which is Black Lives Matter in School Week. Click here for resources to help you navigate this important month and to continue anti-racism work throughout the year."
Other than the WEA blog and online mention--plus the video and WEA on Twitter--there did not appear to be any local media coverage (TV, newspaper) including Seattle based outlets.
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