What’s Our COVID Breakthrough Rate? Nobody Knows, CDC Stopped Tracking
A COVID breakthrough case is when a person who is considered fully immunized tests positive for COVID. Period. Some get sick, some mild, some asymptomatic.
We began to see breakthrough cases in the US and WA state around early spring, after the vaccine push. They, of course, had to have 'time' for the vaccine to be fully implemented.
But we did begin to see in WA a few dozen, then a few hundred. Then, the data disappeared.
The CDC announced in early May were no longer going to track all breakthroughs, only those involving hospitalization, and deaths. The WSDOH does NOT show any breakthrough data on their website. If you watch their ads that pop up on your Facebook feed, you will see the subject is largely glossed over or tossed away with statements that reflect mainstream media claims of less than 1 percent.
An August article in the Foundation for Economic Education site (FEE) is entitled "What is The True Vaccine Breakthrough Rate? The CDC Doesn't Want You to Know" takes an exhaustive look at the numbers we do have, and they came to the conclusion we don't know.
And, we don't have any reasonable idea. Many mainstream news outlets keep repeating the "1" percent or less than one percent, yet upon the arrival of the Delta variant, we have seen an explosion of persons fully vaccinated who test positive, or get sick.
FEE pointed to Major League Baseball, where all the players were vaccinated, and how out of some 780 players on 30 teams (26 man rosters) there were teams such as the Milwaukee Brewers and Yankees this late summer who had 7-8-even 9 players test positive. Based upon those numbers, FEE, extrapolating to the rest of the nation, could at least figure the breakthrough rate was MANY times what news outlets are reporting.
The reason we need to know is, increasing pressure is being placed upon non-vaccinated persons, in WA state. According to several sources, including the Mayo Clinic (as of 9-19-2021) Washington has between 71-73 percent with at least one dose, while about 63 percent are fully vaccinated.
However, in counties such as King, it's closer to 80. Yet, as cases explode to levels we have not seen, the un-vaccinated are being blamed for them. The state is basically saying 35 percent of the people are infecting the other 65, which is eyebrow-raising.
What they are not taking into effect is the strength-effectiveness of the vaccines vs. Delta, the ability of vaccinated persons to spread COVID, and breakthrough cases. There is nothing being reported, or studied by WSDOH in these areas at least in the view of the public.

Several studies have shown that fully vaccinated persons can carry as much viral 'payload' of Delta in their sinuses as non-vaccinated persons.
Until we find out the true breakthrough case counts, this will continue.
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