Where is WA State “RE-Open” Wise? Let’s See The ‘Map’
According to Gov. Inslee, this is where we are 're-open' wise in WA, going into Memorial Day.
It's interesting that a wide swath of counties down the middle of the state are not in consideration for Phase 2.
According to state officials, a county must go 14 days with 10 or fewer new cases per 100,000 persons for them to apply for Phase 2. However, none of these officials have addressed the inconsistencies of this requirement.
Walla Walla county probably should have been Phase 2 to start. Since the onset (day 1) of COVID reporting, they've had a TOTAL of 106 cases, of which 101 are officially deemed fully recovered. They've had TWO deaths. As state figures in 2019 reported, the population of the county was 60,760 persons. 106 cases are .17 percent of their population. POINT 17, yet they've had to wait til now.
Spokane and Adams are the latest counties to be 'approved' to apply for Phase 2.
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