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According to data from the US Census, this city in WA receives the most SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) benefits when you look at combined state and Federal programs.

SNAP was in the headlines during the debt ceiling battle

When the Federal government raised the debt ceiling, there were a number of concessions made by both political parties, including some new requirements concerning SNAP and welfare recipients. New work requirements are being added, and it's being made more accessible for veterans.

  The data from the most recent US Census surveys show Yakima has the highest percentage of recipients in our state. The data looks at the metro areas of each city, which include population areas that are close by.




The Yakima metro area has 23.9 percent of residents receiving benefits, of that percentage, 12.9 are state benefits. There are a total of ten metro areas in WA that have US Census data.

Out of 366 metro areas in the US that are listed in the Census data, Yakima ranks 10th in the nation. The highest is the McAllen-Edinburg-Mission area of Texas.

Oregon's highest percentage of SNAP and other recipients is in Grants Pass, where 24.7 percent of the metro population is assisted.  Idaho? Their highest is at 16.2 percent rate in Pocatello, in the southern region of the state.

LOOK: The 25 least expensive states to live in

Here are the top 25 states with the lowest cost of living in 2022, using data Stacker culled from the Council for Community and Economic Research.


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