‘Who Dun It?’ Run Is Coming Up Sept. 9!
It’s time for the 4th Annual 'Who Dun It?' motorcycle run! This is not just another poker run. This is a 160-mile ride from Kennewick to Hat Rock to Wildhorse Casino and back to Jack-son’s in Kennewick. Solve the crime along the route and win the grand prize of a three-day advanced motorcycle training class from Motor Training 911 valued at $750 PLUS a $500 gift certificate to Full Throttle Motorcycle Accessories in Kennewick! Take part in the big run! This is always a blast! The driver or bike that collects the most bug splats wins a great prize as well! All proceeds go to Tri-Cities Crime Stoppers!
REGISTER NOW! You can also call Tri-Cities Crimestoppers at (509) 582-1351 and be charge by phone!