Why Is Initiative I-1114 Important? Find Out More Here
Signature efforts are on the way to get Initiative 1114 on the ballot next election cycle, and it would significantly reduce any WA Governor's emergency powers.
A result of the actions taken by Gov. Inslee, I-1114 would in part:
- Require a Governor to issue specific emergency proclamations for multiple counties if a statewide issue exists. He would have to issue a proclamation for an emergency in a specific county, and specify what it was and why.
- It must identify the specific facts that warrant such actions.
- It would limit the length of such proclamations-emergency orders to 14 days; after which the Legislature would decide what was next. They can do away with or extend it.
- Any person can request a judicial review by their respective county's Superior Court.
Supporters are in the process of signature gathering. To see the actual Initiative, click on the button below.
To get an official copy of the Initiative for signature gathering purposes, click on the button below.

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