YOUR Opinion -Poll Results- Obamacare, Fate Of Vista Field
Newstalk 870 cares about what you think on issues, from Obamacare, to local stories such as what should be the fate of Vista Field in Kennewick.
Here are the results of two of our recent Newstalk polls. We asked if you believe Vista Field should be kept open, now that apparently plans to hire a manager/operator have fallen through. The field is estimated to lose about $10,000 a year, and a slew of plans are being considered for what to do with it. From our Newstalk poll:
*46% of respondents said it should not be kept open because it's losing money
*30% said keep it open, it's a valuable and necessary city resource.
--Currently, the Port of Kennewick is drafting a new study with options for the field, and it's looking more and more like voters will finally decide if it stays, or goes.
After the Supreme Court upheld Obamacare, we asked you "what now?" Here are results:
*57% said 'Elect Romney and hold him to promise to repeal it.'
*21% said 'pressure Congress to overturn it with legislation, and continue lawsuits
-of note- 3% of respondents chose the answer 'don't care.'
Keep watching here for more polls and surveys, as we value YOUR view on the issues, with Newstalk 870.