Despite Counties ‘Meeting Goals,’ Inslee Pauses All Advancements
Critics are already saying Gov. Inslee is moving the goalposts again when it comes to continued pauses in county phase advancements.
During his press conference Thursday, Inslee said:
“We are eager to try to make advances in our reopening of our businesses," he said. "The uncertainty that these business owners and their employees have is terribly painful for them. I feel it, I share it, I know it’s across the state of Washington. It’s the uncertainty about this that is maybe as frustrating as anything else about this situation.”
That was in response to questions about why such counties as Pend Orielle, Ferry, Stevens, Lincoln and three others cannot advance again.
Island, Jefferson and San Juan Counties already meet criteria now for Phase 3, but Inslee remains on pause.
Inslee now claimed, in his press conference, that 'other' metrics are being looked at as well, including the rates of transmission and rates of positive tests, or percentages.
And in Benton and parts of North Franklin County, rates have dropped to the point where the BFHD has told schools to bring students back, although they're doing it on the hybrid 2 on 3 off plan in most places. October 12 through 15 is when a lot will be returning.
But Inslee is still bent on keeping the state on pause, much to the frustration of citizens, officials, business leaders and others.