5 Ways to Save Money on Your 2013 Taxes
It's hard to believe it's already the middle of tax season. 2013 is off to a fast clip, and unfortunately this means that Tax Day is right around the corner. You could bury your head in the sand until you hit April 14 panic mode, or this year you could give yourself a burst of energy and self-confidence knowing that you met your taxes head-on. Here are money savers to get you started:
Contribute to Your Retirement Account
Okay, maybe you blew your weight-loss New Year's resolution mid-day on January 1, but that doesn't mean you have to give up on all of your goals for the year. Feel good about yourself by sticking to that resolution to start saving for your future, and enjoy the benefits of it right now. Even though 2012 is over, you still have time to contribute to your retirement account and have it count on your 2012 taxes! If you haven't already paid into your IRA the deadline to do so is April 15, 2013.
Deduct Job-Hunting Expenses
The economy has been rough, and while jobless rates may have improved, plenty of people spent some part of 2012 in between work. Being unemployed is stressful, but on the positive side, as long as you were looking for a new position in the same line of work, you can deduct job-hunting expenses on your taxes.
Deduct Charitable Expenses Along With Direct Donations
With hurricanes, national tragedies and a down economy, 2012 was a difficult year for a lot of people. If you felt the call to go out and do something good for your community, the IRS might have a little way to say thank you. While you won't get a superhero cape for your do-gooding, you can save a bit more on your tax-bill. Direct contributions to charity are tax-deductible, but so are itemized charitable expenses, such as the ingredients for the casseroles you made for the soup kitchen or the number of miles you drove to do your charitable works.
Deduct Student-Loan Interest
Paying off your college loans this year? Many young people just starting out might have gotten a little help making those payments each month. Even if Mom and Dad footed the bill, as the graduate, you can still deduct the loan interest on your taxes. Just remember to send two thank-you cards this Mother's Day.
Deduct Additional Medical Expenses
Hopefully 2012 was a healthy year for you and your family, but if you did suffer any medical emergencies, you may be able to deduct expenses associated with it, such as a portion of overnight lodging. Additionally, any medically neccessary improvements made to your home, such as wheelchair access, may be able to be deducted. With recovery and with taxes: every little bit counts.
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