Johnson & Johnson COVID Vaccine ‘Approved’ by WA state
The vaccine had already received FDA approval, but had to wait a day or two for the Western States Scientific Safety Review Workgroup. That's the coalition of states (WA, OR, CA, and Nevada) put together by Gov. Inslee that many say actually violates the Federal Constitution.
That discussion is for another day, but now this 'group' has OK'd the use of the latest COVID vaccine from Johnson & Johnson-Janssen which will soon begin to work it's way into Washington state.
Like the others, the J-J Vaccine has been given what's called emergency use authorization (EUA) by the FDA.
The Western States Group is, say critics, just an attempt by Gov. Inslee to throw his weight and opinions into the COVID medical and vaccine front. None of the vaccines, policies or procedures put forth by the FDA and examined by this group have been questioned. What is HAS done, however, is cause delays anywhere from 1-4 days in allowing vaccines to begin the process of flowing into our state.
It's been a rubber stamp of already researched and approved FDA policies and products.
The formation of the group, which was done late last fall after the election and during the vaccine ramp up process, was largely a political move. It was a political roadblock against the Trump Administration; basically saying these Group members didn't 'trust' the FDA or the vaccine process. They needed to examine it themselves.
No other states joined, or attempted to form any such "review" group, only WA, OR, CA and Nevada.
The Constitution states in Article 1 Section 10 Clause 1 that "no state shall enter into any treaty, alliance or confederation"...etc. This group is pretty grey, appears to violate this clause.
No word as to when the first allotments of the J-J vaccine will show up, or how many we will get. For more information on this third vaccine, click on the button below.
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