More Bigfoot Sightings in Cascades Due to Sasquatch Population Explosion
After the 2019 Superbowl, almost a year ago, Old Man Winter came to play in the Pacific Northwest and created havoc and a very late spring for the Mid-Columbia. The Cascade Mountains got the brunt of it and according to Wildlife and Bigfoot expert Kevin Ebblesworth, large animals like Bigfoot were unable to roam, trapped in their snow-bound dwellings. This left mature male and female Sasquatch with nothing to do but cozy up until the snow melted. As you might imagine, one thing led to another and now there's a population explosion of these animals like never before. Washington DOT cameras on mountain passes have captured two sightings in just the last couple of weeks.
While the 1970's Bigfoot and Wildboy TV show was straight out of a Hollywood producer's imagination, it does show how Bigfoot needs love too.
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