Most Polite Businesses in America? Study Says We’re #11– Yay!
According to a new study, Washington state is just outside the top ten when it comes to overall politeness, customer service and manners shown towards consumers from businesses.
The folks at Freshbooks.com, an accounting, software and business company, released a new study showing we're #11.
This survey was based upon language used by workers as well as the use of 'please' and 'thank you' by workers and in invoices and bills as well as other correspondence.
The top ten was as follows:
- Oklahoma
- Alabama
- Ohio
- Rhode Island
- Massachusetts (?!?)
- Wisconsin
- North Carolina
- Minnnesota
- Texas
- Colorado
Then Washington state. Where did our Northwest brethen land? Oregon was ranked 20th, Idaho 32nd. Who were the worst? Mississippi, Utah and Tennessee. New York came in at a cranky 42.
thank you
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