Obama Thinks You Should Dump Cable, Cellphone to Pay for Medical Insurance
In perhaps the most insensitive statement made by President Obama since his infamous "You didn't build that" comment, he was quoted last week as suggesting families get rid of their cable or cellphones so they can afford healthcare.
Former legislator Alan B. West detailed the comments on his popular web page. West, a military veteran and former Florida Congressman, said Obama was speaking at a Hispanic town hall last week on March 6th. The session was aimed at getting Latinos to enroll in the healthcare exchanges, and touting the 'benefits' of Obamacare.
Obama's comments have since started to go viral on the internet. According to the website Hot Air, and West's page, a viewer challenged the economics for low-income Americans to buy coverage. Obama replied:
"If you looked at their cable bill, their telephone, their cell bill, it may turn out, they just haven't prioritized health care." He went on to say that if a family member gets sick, the father "will wish he had paid that $300 a month."
West added:
"Not that the father has any choice in the matter, considering the government is forcing him to buy it."
Obama's insensitive message did not go over well with the Hispanic-targeted audience. Daniel Garza, Executive Director of the LIBRE Initiative said:
"If the President actually believes that a family earning less than $40,000 per year can afford nearly $4,000 in health insurance premiums, then he truly doesn't understand middle-class families. Americans do not need the President telling them how to budget their households. People are already cutting back on things like cable television and cellphones to compensate for an awful economy....The President simply doesn't get it. And his condescending attitude adds insult to injury."
Wow! West also pointed on in his writing that many Americans used to be able to rely on Health Savings Accounts (HSA's) to spend pre-tax money on routine care and minor emergencies, while relying upon "catastrophic" insurance for larger issues. But now, under Obamacare, HSA's are taxed as well, removing that as an affordable option for those families.
Read more at http://allenbwest.com/2014/03/obama-suggests-people-cancel-cable-cell-phones-afford-obamacare/#SKeMAQJ247TrX1Y9.99
Read more at http://allenbwest.com/2014/03/obama-suggests-people-cancel-cable-cell-phones-afford-obamacare/#SKeMAQJ247TrX1Y9.99
Obama went on to blame Texas (the caller's home state) for not implementing Medicaid expansion, nor did he offer any retraction or explanation of his implying families should cut back on their budgets. He also didn't give an explanation of why Obamacare has NOT turned out to the easy, affordable plan he promised it would be.
Read more at http://allenbwest.com/2014/03/obama-suggests-people-cancel-cable-cell-phones-afford-obamacare/#SKeMAQJ247TrX1Y9.99
Read more at http://allenbwest.com/2014/03/obama-suggests-people-cancel-cable-cell-phones-afford-obamacare/#SKeMAQJ247TrX1Y9.99
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