Perhaps the most controversial Attorney General in the U.S. right now, Bob Ferguson is not only facing an online recall petition at which has gathered over 65,000 signatures in less than five days, but now the 'real' petition has been filed.

A Eatonville man named Matt Marshall has officially filed a recall petition with the Washington State Secretary of State Kim Wyman. The petition seeks to put the recall of Ferguson on the ballot next November. Marshall ran for Eatonville school board, and is a member of a conservative political group.

Ferguson has a long history of controversial decisions and actions, ranging from going after the owner of Arlene's Flowers over her religious beliefs, to pressing for numerous gun control measures (some of which are believed to be un-Constitutional) to his siding against voters over the recently passed I-976 ($30 car tabs). He has also sued the Trump Administration at least 20 times over policies, some of which have been considered 'oversteps' by legal critics.

The man detractors refer to as "Sideshow Bob" is encountering his strongest resistance since taking the AG's office.

Marshall has filed the petition, now he and supporters much find at least 750,000 valid signatures to get it on the ballot for next November.

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