Possible Special Legislative Session?
Each Monday morning around 7:40, the KIT Morning News team has a conversation with the Eastern Washington Director of the Washington Policy Center. He is an in-the- know, smart, young man who keeps his eye on Olympia and all matters of the State Legislature.
The session is over but "never-say-never" if there looks like there is a chance of more money to be spent.
Call it "Unfinished Business" in the form of a potential transportation package and revisiting the question of what can be done about the Governor's never ending Emergency Powers.
Cargill referenced political pressure generated from Pierce County as one reason why the entire state has moved into phase three of COVID restrictions. Basic civics tells us how important it is for our three branches of government to each have oversight (pressure?) and in this case, that would look like the legislature reviewing and putting a time limit on unfettered action and control by the Governor.
Some states like Michigan and Wisconsin have state constitutions that include limits on never ending executive office's emergency powers. Cargill says the Washington Policy Center has long advocated for passing legislation that would set a limit for review and provide for oversight. He says emergency powers have their place but so do the elected representatives of the people 49 jurisdictions across the state.
Cargill also rightly points that oversight truly starts with us - the voters. He says in order for the legislature to do its job, voters have to elect representatives who are willing to use their authority to be responsive to the will of the people. Ten times voters have said "no" to a state income tax and still, nonresponsive legislators have kept trying and finally managed to pass a capital gains tax/income tax this session.
Good government starts with us electing good representatives.
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