During the 2022-23 flu season, the Washington State Department of Health says 262 residents died from the flu, ten times more than in 2021-22.
Why were flu rates so low the previous year?
The WA DOH says 257 adults and five children di...
According to WSDOH, they claim a lot of unknowns. This second strain came from South Africa, the first 'strain' from the UK. That was the one that allegedly spread faster and more easily, but otherwise was not vastly different than original.
It depends greatly upon where a person gets tested. It can be as rapid as an hour or less, or in some cases, people hear back in 1-2 weeks or even longer.
This new rate is lowest it's been in months. Had been 17 percent last week, dropped from 21 a few weeks ago. Two more deaths, both over 60 with previously existing health issues.
Inslee enacts a ban on gatherings of 5 or more in Phase 1.5 and Phase 2 counties. For Counties in Phase 3, the limit is 10. Outdoor live entertainment events are now banned TFN.
All seven of the latest victims were over 60, and five had underlying conditions. Again, more data to consider to balance the situation...data nobody else is talking about much.
The WSDOH cites the Institutes for Disease Modeling, or IDM, the Bill Gates creation and Inslee uses as his "Bible" for COVID decisions. Multiple sources indicate the only states where IDM data is being heavily used are WA and OR.