Today, Feb. 2, 2022 Is a Palindrome And an Ambigram, Just Not Here
A palindrome is anything that reads the same backward as it does forward. Words like CIVIC, RADAR, AND KYAYK are palindromes.
Today's date, Feb. 22, 2022, is only a palindrome if you type the date like they do in the UK or Canada, 22022022 (day, month, year).
But in 'Merica, we would type it 2222022 (month, day, year). Not a palindrome.
An ambigram on the other hand is something that reads the same right-side-up as it does upside-down.
So for Americans, 2/22/2022 is neither a palindrome or an ambigram, but 22022022 is for countries that post the date with the day (22) before the month (02) followed by the year (2022).
So, when you see a post of someone saying that today is both a palindrome and an ambigram, don't just comment, "wow that's cool" or click "like." You might look stupid (like I did before I researched it).
But today is an amazing day because 2-22-2022 won't happen again for another 20,000 years. (I just made that up).
If you believed that for even just a second, you did it again.