According to the latest reports, a coyote pup found in a Kennewick home was not euthanized according to 'normal standards', that coming from Fish and Wildlife officials.

It is not clear if the trapper, Don Caraway, violated any laws. But after telling the homeowner the pup was euthanized, it turns out he now admits drowning the animal.

KNDU-TV reports the Department of Fish and Wildlife are investigating. Animals found in homes and other populated areas are not always able to survive on their own if released, especially if they're very young, such as this coyote pup. Often they are euthanized if it's clear they won't survive on their own.

However, Fish and Wildlife says there are humane ways of euthanizing, several practices to spare the animal a longer, slower or violent death in the wild. Drowning is not apparently one of them. They say Caraway told him he did this to the animal.

Many years ago, such practices were commonly used on unwanted animals, from coyotes to even puppies. But since then, more humane methods have been put into practice.

Coyotes, as adults, are predatory and considered a nuisance by many. Most people agree euthanizing is better than allowing a young animal do likely die on it's own in the wild. But it's seems the method is what has people upset.

Original reports from the June 18th incident indicated the pup would be released into the sagebrush, then Caraway told the homeowner the animal would be euthanized, but did not tell him it would be drowned. The homeowner told KNDU he understood euthanizing but if he'd known the pup would be drowned he never would have let the trapper into his home.


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