White House Pushed To Hide Solyndra Firings Until After Mid-Term Elections
The Washington Post has uncovered evidence showing White House officials tried to cover up the collapse of the green energy company Solyndra until after the recent mid-term elections.
The House Energy And Commerce committee released a slew of email transcripts, part of the ongoing investigation by Congress into hundreds of dollars of loans to the failed solar panel company. Solyndra was considered the "poster child" for Obama's green energy program; but declared banktuptcy and canned over 1,100 employees. Now, Congress is tearing into the Obama Administration's doling out of hundreds of millions of dollars in taxpayer funded loans to questionable, so-called "green" companies that Obama said would create thousands of jobs. The emails show the White House pressured Solyndra into keeping the cuts and bankruptcy quiet until after the mid-term elections. The GOP is pointing to Solyndra as an example of how Obama steered loans and financial support to his friends and donors to his campaign. The collapse of Solyndra began just over one year ago, when they began laying off workers; then in early spring the could not make the payments on it's Federal loans, and finally, declared bankruptcy, causing a layoff of it's entire workforce.