Working Washington Really a Labor Union, Lawsuit Says
The Freedom Foundation, who have recently sued Gov. Inslee over COVID related issues, and are standing by the Chelan County Slidewaters waterpark operator in their fight over re opening, have now taken on a controversial work group.
Working Washington first came into the spotlight during the fights over $15 minimum wage 5-7 years ago. WW is actually a 'creation' of SEIU, the Service Employees International Union. According to their 'about' information,WW is listed as a not for profit 501(c)4 organization, but they actually behave politically just like a labor union.
And that's why the Freedom Foundation has filed a new lawsuit. According to the Foundation:
"The Freedom Foundation and Center for Union Facts have jointly filed a complaint with the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) alleging that Working Washington, a Seattle, Wash.-based nonprofit worker center, has failed to comply with federal regulations governing unions and other labor organizations."
Their information goes on to say:
"Although structured differently than a traditional labor union, the complaint contends that Working Washington meets the definition of “labor organization” in the Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act (LMRDA) and should therefore be subject to its requirements and the jurisdiction of DOL’s Office of Labor-Management Standards (OLMS)."
The way they have been flirting and skirting the law, says the Freedom Foundation, is as follows:
"The 57-page complaint and accompanying 540 pages of supporting documentation explain that Working Washington’s purpose is to change “wages and working conditions” for private-sector employees and that it has employees who participate in the organization as members and leaders."
"...Working Washington has routinely dealt with private employers like Subway, Amazon, Alaska Airlines, Starbucks and many others in attempts to alter wages, benefits or specific working conditions or workplace practices. In some cases, Working Washington has even been involved in unionizing employees at certain businesses.
WW, says the Foundation, is one of hundreds of 'alternative working centers' or similar groups who have popped up over the last few years, their purpose is to further union membership and activities and policies while skating past the law.
To read more about the suit for yourself, click on the button below.