Benton County Commissioners Ask State to Halt West Richland Pot Shop
Some say the letter was not strongly worded enough, but opponents of a new pot shop being built inside West Richland on a parcel of land not annexed by the city say it's a good start.
Benton County commissioners sent a letter to the Washington State Liquor and Cannibis Control Board, who oversees the state's pot business. The letter, according to, indicates the Nirvana shop may not have displayed their license application. It's required to give the public notice of what is coming to a storefront, or structure being built.
While some have taken to social media to express their support of the store, many others have protested. They've shown up at county commissioner meetings, and started a formal petition trying to get it shut down.
The commissioner's letter asked the liquor control board to hold a hearing and review the Nirvana application, and if it's found to be in violation of the law, to revoke the license. The letter also points out what the commissioners said were numerous inconsistencies in the original application.
The Nirvana store would be an offshoot of Spokane-based The Garden LLC.