There's so much camping and water-fun in Washington. Summer is heating up and vacations are being planned. Do you know which water monster you might be near this summer?

Forget Big Foot, help find the Northwest Tree Octopus!

It is so wet along the western shores of the Puget Sound it is believed there is a species of octopus who climb out of the water, scamper across the beaches and climb nearby trees to feed on bugs and tree frogs. Because of their ability to change color, they are incredibly difficult to spot, but some residents insist they’re real.


The near-by farm kids insist if you visit the lake at night you’ll occasionally hear the sound of something large stomping through the muddy, marshy shores. A few claim to have seen strange shadowy figures. Experts insist there is an irrigation intake in the lake and the suction of the water makes the sound, but as plausible as that sounds, it’s terribly unsatisfying.


Look for evidence of “Caddy” the Cadborosaurus

Fisherman in the Puget Sound believe there is a 20-foot, long-necked monster in the water – maybe a pod of them. Some who have seen it insist it is a surviving pre-historic creature. Many who believe in its existence were converted by finding animal skeletons on the beach who appear to have been devoured by something very large, but not an orca.


Don’t be surprised by alligators in Lake Washington

There have been so many reported sightings of alligator-like creatures in the waters of Lake Washington that it’s now widely assumed random Caiman alligator owners in the populous region must release their unwanted pets in the Puget Sound each summer. Why aren’t there more of them? They die in the winter of course.


Leave Willatuk alone!

Native Americans near the Juan de Fuca Strait believe a sea monster was born during a giant earthquake in the 18th century. It is a sea god and protects the tribes while they whale hunt. Numerous sightings have been recorded and documentaries have been made, but the Native Americans plead with people to leave the creature alone.

Monster Shark
Getty Images, Keystone

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