Grab the kids and make your way to Grandview to Bill's Berry Farm for the annual Pumpkin Festival through October 27th.

bills berry farm pumpkin festival

Corn Maze, hot pumpkin donuts, hayrides, farm fresh fruit and more! If you are looking for clean, wholesome harvest fun, fresh produce and great memories then you will love our Pumpkin Festival with a large variety of activities that all ages will enjoy. Wednesday & Thursday 10am to 6pm – No Farm Admission fee; all activities are pay as you go. Friday & Saturday 9am to 6pm - Farm Admission Fees apply. Friday & Saturdays 9am to 6pm – Farm Admission Fee: Ages 13 to Adult - $9, Ages 3-12/Seniors 65+/Active Military - $7, Ages 2 and under Free. For a full list of activities, visit

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