Former U.S. Senator Labels 4th. District Candidate’s Conservative Views “Weird, Extreme”
So, believing in less government, less taxes, following the Constitution, and protecting gun and property rights is "weird and extreme?" Apparently former U.S. Senator Slade Gorton thinks so...and he's helping fund an anti-Clint Didier campaign.
The former standout U.S. Senator is behind a new Political Action Committee (PAC) called Washington's Future. They've raised enough money from the GOP establishment to buy $55,000 worth of ads supporting candidate Dan Newhouse by attacking Didier.
Gorton released a statement, according to the Yakima Herald-Republic, that pretty much solidifies this race as the Republican 'stay the course' establishment vs. the Conservative grass-roots candidate:
“After listening to Clint Didier I decided that people in Central Washington need to have the facts, based on his own statements, showing that he is an extremist."
Actually, Mr. Gorton, people are tired of the "facts" being fed them by an ineffective and spineless GOP. While many 4th. District voters are still undecided, it's clear Republican and conservative voters are frustrated by a GOP that cannot seem to do anything to stop the bulldozer of the progressive left and Democrats.
Albert Einstein is famous for having said:
"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results."
Voters and citizens are frustrated with a party that seemingly won't stand up for their values, ideals or beliefs. They're tired of a party (GOP) that continually caves in to special interests; that constantly compromises when it comes to values and even morals. They're fed up because nobody will "push back" when it comes to government intrusion, corruption and ineffectiveness.
But when a candidate comes along who embraces Constitutional values, gets fiery about standing up for citizens and their rights, he's viewed as "weird and extreme?"
We would guess, Mr. Gorton, that your kind would view the Founding Fathers the same way. Regardless of how you try to spin, fold, spindle or twist this 4th. District race, it is clearly now a case of the Establishment with it's "get along" and "stay the course" mentality, and a candidate who believes it's time to shake things up, and actually show a backbone and say no to the government.
Mr. Gorton, the very reason the GOP is splitting is because the Establishment has betrayed the trust and confidence of it's members. Apparently, we're just supposed to be quiet, and put our faith in what the Establishment tells us? Millions of voters not just here, but across the country have seen their lives, jobs, taxes, healthcare, and general freedoms trampled and destroyed by out-of-control government. That's why the party is splitting - because the Establishment has not done it's job, or forgotten who they are supposed to represent.