It's ironic that the Benton County Commissioners and other local officials will not have the final say about this controversial project.

Since last October, we've reported on what appears to be growing opposition to a massive 235 plus turbine wind farm project that would snake across the ridges of the Horse Heaven Hills area south of Kennewick.

It would stretch from Finley to the HHH area. It's interesting to note Scout Clean Energy of Colorado has not submitted their plan directly to Benton County, but instead has filed instead with WA state officials; namely the Energy Facility Site Evaluation Council.

That means final decision will not be made locally, but by the state and perhaps with input from Gov. Inslee. It's no secret his zeal for 'oil free' energy in WA, this filing has some citizens in the area upset.

The group, save our has a lot of information and details, and opportunities for people to comment.

Now this week, Benton County Commissioners are seeking public comment about the plan. Tuesday evening, they're having a meeting where people can join in with comments. They can also be emailed to the Commissioners, make sure you include that you're commenting on the Wind Farm Town Hall, and include comments.

If you wish to attend in person, it will be 6pm, Tuesday, March 16 at the Benton County Justice Center, 7122 W. Okanogan Place in Kennewick. The county reminds citizens face masks are required.

The massive project first really gained public awareness last October, when area residents began to gather and create an opposition group to the plan; which would spoil the views of the Horse Heaven Hills area according to residents and other citizens.

 Here in the Pacific Northwest, largely due to hydro electric and some nuclear, we have plenty of power (most of the time). But if it ever goes out, here's some tips. 


TIPS: Here's how you can prepare for power outages



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