Opponents of HH Hills Wind Farm Cite Environmental Issues
With a hearing coming up on February 1st, opponents of the Horse Heaven Hills wind farm (Scout Energy project) are pointing out what they say are potential environmental issues.
Save Our Ridges is a group fighting against the plan
Since the plan for putting hundreds of Space Needle-sized wind turbines down the spine of the Horse Heaven Hills region was unveiled several years ago, Save Our Ridges is a group that has been battling the idea.
They have pointed out, as have other citizens, the obvious threat turbines pose to birds, including some that are environmentally sensitive. As far back as 8 years or more, various groups have produced evidence wind turbines kill thousands of birds, bats and other wildlife annually.
Now members of Save Our Ridges have also questioned the Draft Environmental Impact Statement on the project released by the WA Energy Facility Site Evaluation Council.
They claim the DEIS does not adequately address the construction dust, disruption to terrain and wildlife, potential turbine fires, the effects of the red nighttime flashing navigation lights, noise and vibration effects on nearby residents and other factors.
They also say the failure of Scout Energy to provide specific locations of where each turbine will be located makes it impossible to conduct a specific noise survey for each of the hundreds of units.
Public comments are still being taken through January 31st
Save Our Ridges is encouraging citizens to comment on the project, you can do so by clicking here. SOR says Scout Energy should be required to revamp its site plan, showing specifically where each turbine will be placed on the map. This would enable a noise and vibration study.
They also say there should be a 360-degree (complete radius) six-month noise study done for each of the turbines before final approval is given to the project.
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