Inslee’s ‘Get Shot or Get Fired’ Causes Tidal Wave of Citizen Fury
According to GOP Legislators, the number of phone calls and emails pouring into "every legislative office" in Olympia over Gov. Inslee's 'get shot or get fired' mandate is astronomical.
Senator Doug Ericksen (R-Ferndale) says for much of last week, they averaged 100 calls-emails per hour all day, every day. Considering there's 147 legislators (House and Senate) for one hour alone, that adds up to over 14K.
Multiply that by several days, and you have hundreds of thousands. 'Get shot or get fired' is what GOP leaders are pinning on Gov. Inslee following his mandates that healthcare workers, K-12 Educators and state workers get fully vaccinated by Oct. 18 or they face dismissal.
And now, many of the citizens are demanding the legislature reconvene in special session and adopt a bill Ericksen had introduced at the beginning of the 2021 legislative session.
The GOP is trying to force a special session anyway, to 'fix' the numerous anti-law enforcement legislation that went into effect recently that are causing crime spikes across the state.
But now, Ericksen's SB (Senate Bill) 5144 is being pushed again. Ericksen introduced it in January, but it never even got a hearing in the Democrat-controlled Senate. The bill would have prohibited discrimination based upon vaccination status. Specifically, says Ericksen:
"The bill specifically forbids state and local governments and private employers from firing unvaccinated workers."
Ericksen said back then he could see where we were headed, after months of unchecked tight-fisted power by Inslee, whom many said was abusing his proclamations and emergency powers. Ericksen feared we would arrive where we are.

Senate Democrats scoffed at Ericksen's bill back then, saying such anti-discrimination legislation was not needed...it wouldn't happen.
Well, it has, and now many are demanding the legislature reconvene and pass it in a special session.
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